Who ther Kreditschutzverband KSV 1870, der Alpenländische Kreditorenverband and there Austrian Association for Credit Reform messages come from the company “BKG Big Kommunal GmbH” in Frantschach – St. Gertraud and a sanierungsverfahren or eigenverwaltung at the Landesgericht Klagenfurt office. Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist de Durchführung kommunaler Dienstleistungen, Summer- und Winterdienst, Tiefbau, Vermietung und Verpachtung, Erhaltung von Baustraßen as well as the Baufeldpflege. Alleingesellschafterin is Michaela Fritzer, as Geschäftsführer is Roland Gallor-tätig. 23 Dienstnehmer and cattle 150 Gläubiger has been affected. The Liabilities are sold at 2.6 million euros. Die Actief for 860,000 Euro. The capital excess debt amounts to approximately 1,740,000 euros. A Sanierungsplan with a quote from 20 Prozent zahlbar bis 31. March 2027 lies ready for.

Those who use the KSV1870 will no longer carry out the implementation of the remediation plans in line during the implementation of the best results that all fall during the financing of the unused Dritter. Please let us know that the investor is well funded, that the interest is known, after which there will be no cancellation of the consequences of the future.


Debt collectors have started resolving the debt burden: “In the year 2012, the operative management became the first in the year 2017, in which the Durchführung kommunaler Dienstleistungen für Gemeinden was established. The ground of these established activities could strengthen the age group and further help with obtaining and increasing the quantity (among other things, the erhaltung of the baustrasen that form the Baufeld-pflege) and a country that will be sucked. From 2019 to 2020 we doubled the time. There were many studies, the analysis of the German economy and the inventory of the non-business service. A license is granted to a Liegenschaft in Fürstenfeld, but as Unterkunft for die Mitarbeiter-dient. If you engage a construction company in the year 2023 that will no longer be civilized by the beige sub-parts, work with the purchase of leasing and leasing products. We can take on the total damage to a capital market and Hausbank lending.”

You can submit an application as soon as possible until January 14, 2025 (focused on the notification) changed. Zum Insolvenzverwalter wurde Herbert Juri, Rechtsanwalt in Wolfsberg, bestelt. The first Gläubigerversammlung, Berichten- und Prüfungstagsatzung took place on 28. January 2025 and the Sanierungsplantagsatzung took place on 18. March 2025 statt.

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